Cognivue Testing Site in Austin, TX

Cognivue: Clarity in cognitive and audiology testing
Your hearing loss impacts brain function
Studies have shown that there is a link between hearing loss and dementia. A report by the Lancet has shown that hearing loss is the single highest modifiable risk factor that contributes to dementia.
This means that staying on top of your cognitive health can help you avoid cognitive health conditions like dementia and psychosis.
Stay on top of your cognitive function with the Cognivue test at Daniel J. Leeman’s MD
The rate of cognitive decline can be decreased when you stay on top of your cognitive health and get your hearing loss treated.
Our new technology enables us to accurately screen your overall cognitive health from our audiologist, Dr. Spinuzza.
One of the only offices in the area offering the Cognivue test
Our audiologist, Dr. Spinuzza, is now offering the Cognivue test to better help our patients with their hearing and cognitive health.
The results from the testing can help us understand and correct your hearing, effectively monitoring your cognitive health in the process. Cognivue allows us to test for several cognitive factors including:
● Memory
● Visuospatial
● Executive function
● Reaction time
● Processing speed
The 8-10 minute Cognivue test is not just a list of questions. It’s a personalized automated assessment, that reliably screens your cognitive health.
This is not a dementia diagnosis
The Cognivue test alone will not determine whether or not you are showing signs of dementia. However, it will help us stay on top of your cognitive function during your annual hearing evaluations. If a decline in cognitive ability is noticed, we can get you set up with a neurology specialist.
Get the best hearing evaluation possible
You’ve noticed a decline in your ability to hear, so you're scheduling a hearing evaluation already. Why not schedule with Dr. Spinuzza and get a cognitive diagnosis too.